Note to our international students! We would like to inform our students that the dean and the vice-dean can be contacted after consultation with the international coordinators.Please contact us first! If the help of the dean or vice dean is needed we inform you and forward your requests to them.If you send the e-mails directly to the dean or vice-dean in these cases the e-mails are sent back instantly to you and in copy to the coordinators without administration.Thank you for your kind understanding.

The processing time of your e-mails is 3 to 4 working days!

Attention!From January 1st 2024 we will automatically reject any professional internship that the student started without requesting or receiving the approval of the vice-dean in advance.IF YOU HAVE ALREADY STARTED A WORK WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADMINISTERED AS YOUR INTERNSHIP ACCOMPLISHMENT, AND IT IS NOT YET APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE NO LATER THAN 31 DECEMBER.

University Accounts

As a student of ELTE, Faculty of Informatics you will need to access a few computer systems throughout your studies: the official education system, the PCs in the computer labs, WIFI on the Campus. Unfortunately (or sometimes fortunately) these systems are not all linked together, you will need the following accounts.

Neptun – University Education System

Neptun is the official education system of our University. It was introduced in late 2012 after another one (ETR). Some issues of students are still handled by our administration, but you will need to use Neptun for some issues.

Every student will need to have a Neptun account (username and password). You can reach the Neptun system at The Neptun username / identifier / code looks like a set of random 6 characters (e.g. GZ7D8A). Please remember your Neptun code.

After your personal registration, your student coordinator will give your data to the global administration system, they will enroll you to the University system, and you will also get your Neptun account. The process should take about one or two weeks. It will be emailed for you. You can pick up the password to your account at the Quaestura office.

INF account – Faculty Computer System

Your INF account is necessary to carry on with your education, to work on practical programming classes in computer labs, and it can be also used for wifi access (IK_hallgato) near the rooms of our Faculty. You also get an <youraccount> email address (webmail at, default is Hungarian, but you can change it to English) and a web storage at<youraccount>/. Your teachers shall tell you the details.

An INF account will be created for every new student after registration. You will be informed about your username and password. (In most cases, the username will be your Neptun code with small letters.)

Caesar account – University Computer System

Your Caesar account or ELTE account or IIG account is not obligatory, but it is very useful. It can be used to access wireless networks at all ELTE campuses (ELTE), and even at some Universites abroad (eduroam). Furthermore you get an <youraccount> email address (webmail at and a web storage at http://<youraccount>

How to get the Caesar account?

After you have your Neptun code you have two options. First: follow this guide by the Caesar operators. Or second: you can go personally to the Caesar operators at room 6.126 in the North Building, they are very friendly and will create your Caesar account quite quickly. See also their page for users. Your username is of your own choice, I would recommend using the same as your INF account.


Mastodon is a new generation, federated social network where smaller, local communities connect to form an open, world-wide network. ELTE has its own instance for university citizens (students and teachers alike) to be able to freely exchange their ideas, problems, ups and downs. As the network is open, you will be able to get in contact with anyone from the federated network besides ELTE people. There is no need for registration. Just use your IIG/Caesar username and password at